TAILINGS DAM MUD FARMING - McARTHUR RIVER The amphibious screw-propelled vehicle (Scroller) is used at the McArthur River Mine (MRM) Tailings Storage Facility (TSF), to mechanically assist dewatering and densification of tailings. The first phase was for a trial exploratory work period, and it established that mechanical...

Tailings dam mud farming - RTAYThe operation includes the supply for a 3-year contract of Amphibious Scrollers– designed and built by McCosker to provide mud farming services at the Residue Management Area Tailings Facility (RMA). Activities include:Three (3) Amphirol Scrollers to complete the mud farming Services...

Tailings Dam Mud Farming - QALMcCosker Contracting have an ongoing contract with QAL to conduct Mud Farming and Dam Maintenance operations on Residue Disposal Area (RDA) dams #1 and #2. The operation includes the supply of Amphibious Scrollers, designed and built by McCosker, and modified LGP...

Inhouse Amphibious scroller design & build McCosker tailing dam operations include the supply of amphibious scrollers, designed and built in-house by McCosker, as well as modified LGP bulldozers and excavators, as well as operation/training and maintenance of amphibious fleet at our on-site workshop. Achievements of Residue Management...