Blackwater Mine – Taurus Creek Dam Upgrade

Whitehaven Coal (Formerly BHP) works package consists of construction of two new dam walls within the vicinity of a Live Dam.


Works include clearing and grubbing, topsoil stripping and topsoil stockpiling; earthworks; stockpiling and testing of earthworks fill materials; importation, conditioning and placement of general fill in line with project specifications and drawings conforming to QA/QC requirements; lime stabilisation of embankments; amelioration and revegetation; drainage works; pavement construction and road furniture.


Temporary works to support the above mentioned include service relocations; access roads, go-line parking areas, site office, erosion and sediment controls: demolition of existing services and relocation of existing services.


Whitehaven Coal
(Formerly BMA mine)


Blackwater Mine


Infrastructure & industrial


1.5 years



Infrastructure & Industrial